She taught to over 30 denominations, 126,000 people, 20 churchs in Canada, 5 Army Bases as we as over 39 sites in the USA on Prov 31:26 - .She opens her mouth in wisdom,
And the law of kindness is on her tongue.
Was great teaching, had an 1 hr simocast delay (technical difficulties),but we made it through all 8 points on the subject - Law of Kindness !!!
1) Kindness is not Weakness
2) Kindness is not an action, It Is a Disposition
3) Kindness wears down when We do
4) Kindness looks Pain in the face
5) Kindness is a Savior
6) Kindness has Good Memory
7) Kindness Craves an Outlet
8) Kindness leaves a Legacy
The greek for Kind is ~chrestos~ profitable, fit, good for any use, useful toward others, good natured.
Also blessed to sew old friends & reconnected & had a great lunch. Sooooo glad I went.
♥ u Beth Moore!!!
Happy Stitching,
Auntie Pam
Ephesians 2:10"Each one should use whatever gift she has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms"
She packed up her potential & all she had learned, grabbed a cute pair of shoes & headed out to change a few things."
Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has No point."